Impressment *Forcibly detaining sailors* onto British ships, often served for life, treated harshly, 400 years in practice Chesapeake (ship) Off coast of Virginia, *British wanted 4 deserters*, American commander says no, killed 3 and wounded 18 by gunfire. France says to seize any merchant ships that entered British ports. Battle of Austerlize and Battle of Trafalgar *Napoleon crushed the Russian and Austrian* armies was the French's version of the Battle of Trafalgar, *ensured French domination on land* Orders in Council London government *forbade* other countries to *trade in French owned ports*, or else.

Battle of Trafalgar *Horatio Nelson* defeated Spanish and French naval troops outside of the Coast of Spain, single handedly, ensured *British supremacy* on the high seas. He ditched plan once Jefferson found out. Sacajawea *Shoshone woman* who spoke English and served as their *guide* through the wilderness Zebulon Pike Another American explorer who trekked past the Mississippi River in 1805, *Louisiana territory -> Rockies*, "Pike's Peak" James Wilkinson Military governor of the Louisiana Territory, schemed *with Aaron Burr* to *secede the Louisiana* territory, for themselves, and to invade Mexican territory. Louis, Rockies, and Colorado River to the Pacific, *valuable maps + scientific knowledge*. Better to sell it than to give it to the British, so he sold all land west of the Mississippi, 3 cents an acre to Jefferson Robert Livingston/James Monroe 2 *envoys sent to Paris to buy New Orleans* at a maximum of $10 million, all land east of it, instead got West $15million, however, *if a deal was not negotiated, then make a war treaty with Britain against Spain and France* Louisiana Territory/Louisiana Purchase 1803 3 cents per acre, *all land West of Mississippi + New Orleans*, purchased all wilderness to *double* the size of America Santo Domingo/Toussaint L'Ouveture *Led an uprising among ex-slaves* around sugar plantations, put down but left the taint of unrest, Napoleon failed to reconquer them though, fully at least Meriwether Lewis & William Clark Personal secretary of Jefferson's, young army officer and Sacajawea set out on the Missouri River, from St. Napoleon Bonaparte *Emperor of France*, conquered many lands, military genius, decided that after conflict in Santo Domingo, that he didn't need Louisiana anymore. mosquito fleet Annoying set of 200 *small gunboats* with one unwieldy gun, used *only for defense* along coasts and not in wars overseas. *Jefferson spent too little $ on defense*. Tripolitan War Jefferson didn't pay enough to a *Tripolitan pasha*, so he informally *declared war on the US.* Jefferson sent small navy and negotiated a small $60,000 ransom for his men. for tiny *grievances, not crimes*, failed, helped w/ sep.

Chapter 5 - Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution.Chapter 4 - American Life in the 17th Century.Chapter 3 - Settling the Northern Colonies.Chapter 2 - The Planting of English America.This edition was released in 2001, and it covers history in the United States from 33,000 B.C. The links provide detailed summaries on American/US history from one of the most popular US History textbooks in the United States. Below you will find notes for the 12th edition of the A.P.