Socat_v=$($socat -V|grep version|head -n1) $0 -pC proxylist.txt \t (will be saved on \"~/.socatp/\" working proxies, at connection time it will automatically randomize proxies if needed.\n\n" Proxify all linux applications through SOCKS4/5, HTTP proxy. $0 -b192.168.0.2 -P1337 \t (not specifying \"-p (or -p*)\" will use a random proxy as well. Proxifier alternative for linux using redsocks. b : \t\t a target ip to connect to under proxy chosen.\n\ Different proxy types can be mixed in th. Proxifier alternative for linux using redsocks. A couple of ideas: tsocks - Uses LDPRELOAD to get loaded into the address space of userland programs to intercept socket calls and forward them to a SOCKS. Supports HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy servers. Allows TCP and DNS tunneling through proxies. Latest version: 3.1 Dedicated OS: Linux and other Unices. p/-pR/-pC: \t a proxy choice, \"-pR\" implies on using a random proxy, \"-pC\" is a massive proxy connection checker (you must use \"-pC \" before the random option).\n\ Linux 7 alternatives to Proxychains About proxychains tool: Its a proxifier. Printf "Something went wrong $(id -un).\n" Socat STDIO PROXY:$ip:$b:$P,proxyport=$port
You will need to buy it if you decide to continue using it beyond the trial period.

Port_handler=$(cat ~/.socatp/proxy*|shuf|sed 's// /g'|awk '' >~/.socatp/port) Here, you can download a fully-functional copy of Proxifier and use it for 31 days for free. Proxycount=$(ls ~/.socatp/|grep proxy|wc -l)